Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Bourne Legacy it is not!

Hey all,

Just checked out The Bourne Legacy last night. I am a huge fan of the Bourne series. However, this movie does not even deserve to be a part of the lineup! We wasted $24.00 ($12 pp) to see this garbage. It took forever for the movie to get going and it never really "took off". I almost fell asleep several times during the movie. The supposed chase scenes even sucked. I tried to give this movie a chance despite not wanting to see it originally (since Matt Damon was not in it). However, I still went to see it because I liked the earlier movies.

One of my main issues is the obvious: Matt Damon was not in it. Jeremy Renner played the main character. He was not in Damon's league and the fact that he was cast for this role was a huge mistake. While I cannot deny that he is okay as an actor, this was not one of his shining roles. Another issue was the fact that there wasn't much that tied this movie into the earlier movies. There were huge holes in the "storyline". honestly, the script was so bad that it almost seemed like it was improv. Nothing in the movie made any sense. They introduced concepts, characters, and elements that had nothing to do with the first three movies. The "plot" was horrible and every section of it led to a dead end. I should have demanded my money back but I was too sleepy to get up.

The bottom line: don't waste your money. Honestly, if this comes on cable even if it is free I will never watch this again. I wasted $24.00 and two hours of my life watching this train wreck!

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